Miriam Young: interactive eBooks

When is a book not a book? When it's a fully interactive eBook.
Interactive eBooks are a recently developed electronic publication format that runs on touch screen tablet devices such as the iPad.

In case you're thinking an eBook is simply a static black and white electronic representation of that novel you're reading, think again. In fact forget about the word 'book' altogether, because an interactive eBook is far from being a dry presentation that you have to work your way through. As the video below demonstrates.

As you can see, an interactive eBook is a full colour interactive extravaganza that lets you swipe through images, reveal supporting information, play full screen videos and jump to whatever information you want to see.

Interactive eBooks are a great marketing opportunity
With an interactive eBook, you can show off products and services in a much more dynamic and engaging way than printed catalogues, websites or electronic presentations.

This is because eBooks are ideal for displaying high resolution images, photographs and video, unrestricted by internet download speeds.  Navigation and internal links are as simple as on a website, but much faster and more intuitive.

The eBook is stored locally on the tablet device. Once downloaded, it's like having a hard-copy brochure or catalogue in your hand. In fact you can even bookmark pages and write notes! But producing an eBook doesn't cost money (or the environment) paper, ink or distribution.

Get your eBook made with eBookDone
eBookDone is a collaboration between copywriter Miriam Young and technology architect Paul Macdonald. Together we have all the know-how to plan and create an eBook or iBook (that's the iPad version) for your business.

Find out more about interactive eBooks, iBooks and our eBook publication and distribution services on eBookDone.com
Miriam Young brain

My brain can write
websites / web pages ● advertisements direct marketing ● editorial articles brochures ● press releases  newsletters ● voice-over scripts
+ anything else you need
translations from Dutch to English


Miriam Young brain
About my brain
brain  what's in my brain
brain  why my brain has its own site

brains are people too
brain  what my brain can do for you
brain  where is my brain?