Client: ACT Commodities

My role

Copywriter working closely with project manager to create an entirely new website, which needed to communicate the company’s ethos while explaining a complex portfolio of products and services.

The business

ACT Commodities is a trading house focused on environmental commodities such as renewable energy, carbon emissions, energy efficiency and biofuels. They trade a broad range of certifications and physical energy products which industry uses for both environmental compliance and voluntary carbon footprint reduction purposes. In addition to these, ACT also trades mineral fuels and various products within the biofuel production chain. This adds up to a complex mix of commodities and related support services.

The project

ACT Commodities wanted to create a completely new website which would reflect the company’s collaborative trading ethos and high level of customer service, while outlining its product portfolio in a logically structured way. Its aims were to reassure existing contacts, attract new clients and appeal to prospective new employees.

Because the content to be communicated had not previously been curated, the exact structure of the website could not be pre-determined. We therefore had to take an agile approach to developing the website. I worked closely with the project manager Floortje Geuze to achieve this. The two of us embedded ourselves in the company – working on-site 2 days a week – so we could get a feel of the culture while acquiring all the necessary input.

During my 10-week involvement, I interviewed many of the company’s employees to obtain the relevant facts and piece together the marketing story. I then translated their input into client-focused copy, which I structured to fit the website design layout, navigation flow and SEO requirements. You can see the result at – NOTE the client has since made their own modifications to this site.