Maintaining focus


All good businesses evolve over time. However, their marketing portfolios rarely get updated at the same speed. Slowly but surely, websites, printed materials, direct communications, sales operations and other internal and external connection points get further and further out of sync. This results in customers, and even employees, seeing out-of-date and conflicting information which diminishes confidence at every level.

A very common example – references to COVID practices which have long-since been abandoned – is a tell-tale sign that things aren’t up-to-date.

Lost control?

Poor messaging alignment isn’t necessarily just a marketing issue. It can be a symptom that a business has taken its eye off the ball in other ways, such as failure to clarify and inform all relevant parties about changes in capabilities, offerings or procedures.

At one end of the scale, this might cause inefficient (inter-)departmental operation and disappointing results. At the other, it could mean great opportunities are being missed.

Utilising outsider perspective

Somebody needs to get on top of it all.

But who? Everyone within your organisation has enough to do in their own jobs, and this exercise takes time. It also requires a neutral, outsider perspective that questions everything that isn’t clear to avoid shortcutting through assumptions.

This is where I come in.

  • I start by reviewing your internal and/or external communications materials to set the As-Is benchmark to work from.
  • We then discuss how my observations compare to where you’re actually at, how you’d like to be seen and where you want to head towards.
  • From there, I’ll draw up an itinerary of points that need attention. From updating your messaging and ensuring all communications are aligned to brainstorming opportunities to enhance the business offering itself.
  • Together, we agree on actions to be taken and draw up an execution plan.
  • You have the option to use me for all tasks associated with copywriting and liaison with related skills.

Get a free assessment

It costs nothing to start the conversation. If you’d like to find out what Strategic Alignment means for your business, contact me for a free basic assessment covering three nominated touchpoints.

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